By default, Contact Us messages will be sent to ALL ADMINISTRATORS of your CausePilot account.  If you want a specific person, or persons, to receive these messages, you will set them up with Permissions in the Flight.  

If you would like to change who receives Contact Us messages from your users, go to the Contact Us section in Permissions and grant at least one person permission.

On your Flight's Landing page, users will see a Contact Us link.

1.  When clicked, a user can enter a message to be sent to YOU.  As you will note in the last sentence under the message field, they can also reach out directly to CausePilot should their question or issue be related to the software itself.

By default, these messages will be sent to ALL ADMINISTRATORS of the account.  However, you can assign only certain person(s) to receive these messages.

2.  Go to Permissions in your Flight, Lookup User, Select or create their contact account, and then Grant Permission.  They will then be the person(s) that receive these messages from your participants.