Establish the giving levels for your Appeal.

1.  Choose Levels tab in Appeals component.

2.  Click Create Level button to create a new Giving Level in your Appeal.  (See next image below for more detail)

3.  You will see a list of Appeal Levels in the table.  Click on the name of the Appeal Level to edit.

When you create a Giving Level in your Appeal, you will simply fill out the form to provide the detail.

4.  Provide a name for the Giving Level

5.  Provide a brief description of what benefits the donor may receive in exchange for their donation and/or how the donation may be used.

6.  What is the donation amount for this giving level?  Note that a donor can always give more than this amount but not less.

7.  Make the pledge active when you want to see it in your Live Site.

8.  The default sort order of the Appeal's Giving Levels is highest to lowest.  However, if you want them to appear in a different order, you can change them by numbering them.

9.  You can list the donor's names on the landing page.  

10.  If you'd like to include an In Memoriam field in the Appeal donation/giving form, check this box.


This is an example of an Appeals Giving Levels page.  The donor would choose which level they would like.

This is an example of the form a donor would fill out to make their donation.  As you can see, they can choose a one-time donation or Split into multiple payments.