How to Checkout

For the most part, you want supporters to checkout on their own.  They have a checkout cart.  Anything they owe, that is pending, will be in their cart and they can click the button to checkout.

If your flight required a credit card (Financials > Setup), they will have a credit card on file and it's a simple ONE BUTTON checkout to charge that card.

If they do not have a credit card on file, then they simply enter their credit card to checkout.

Example of Self-Checkout

Auto Checkout

CausePilot does not "automatically" checkout people out at the end of your event.  We do provide you with a ONE BUTTON way to check everyone out automatically.  Which means, you are in control of this process and when everyone is charged.

When you're ready, go to Financials > Pending and, if you are requiring a credit card (Financials > Setup), you'll see a button "Charge all Credit Cards".  Click this button to checkout all pending orders with credit cards on file.  This process can take a few minutes, depending on the number of orders.  Refresh the page to see the orders move to paid transactions.

TIP:  It's a good idea to let people checkout on their own sometimes.  The reason is because they could add an additional donation to their cart before checking out and/or you want to give them to opt-out or decline any additional fees.  When you Auto Checkout, the supporter will not have these options.

IMPORTANT:  If you do not have Auto Checkout enabled ("Require credit cards") in Financials > Setup, supporters will not have credit cards on file and you will not be able to use Auto Checkout feature.

Example of Auto Checkout

Check, Cash, or Manual Credit Card

When you have supporters that want to pay with another form of payment, simply find their order in the Financials > Pending tab table above and click "Create" button in the row.  This will create the transaction. 

Example of Creating a Transaction

1.  Transaction Type.  Choose the form of payment.  If check you can add the check number if you like.  If you choose Manual Stripe Transaction, a form will open that allows you to enter the user's credit card information.

2.  Total.  Always confirm the payment amount before creating the transaction. 

User wants to pay for only (1) item in a transaction that has multiple items.  Click the button in the "Purchases in this transaction" area titled "Remove from this transaction".  This will not delete or cancel the item order, it will simply remove it from this transaction.

User does not want to pay additional fees.  Click "Decline" under User Pays Service and/or Transaction Fee.

3.  Create Transaction.  When you're ready, click Create Transaction button to submit and mark this transaction as paid.

4.  Credit Card on File.  If the user has a credit card on file, you can click the Charge button to charge the credit card for the transaction.

TIP:  On occasion, a credit card will not go through when clicking the "Charge All Credit Cards" button on the pending page to auto checkout all pending orders.  When this happens, if the user has a credit card on file, opening the transaction and clicking the charge card button directly may work.  If it doesn't, they need to contact their credit card company or provide another form of payment.