Before you begin, setup your Appeal fundraiser.

1. Appeal component.  Choose Appeal in the left menu and the Setup tab

2.  Appeal Name.  This will be used in emails and text messages to identify your flight.

3.  Set a financial goal.  This will be used if you are showing a thermometer on the landing page.

4.  Organization Name.  What name should appear on the donor's credit card statement for reference.  Add a name that will appear on the user's credit card statement to identify who they paid and/or what they are paying for.

5.  Appeal Start.  When will your Appeal begin.  This is when the button will appear on the landing page.

6.  Appeal End Date.  Choose a date and the button will no longer appear on the landing page.  This date is also used to limit how long a user can choose to split payments.  Payments can not exceed the end date.

7.  Show Progress Bar on landing page.  See example of progress bar below.