Ticket Questions

You can ask as many questions as you like.  However, as a general rule for tickets, less is more. If you have a situation where you have lots of questions you need answered, you might consider using the Registrations component instead of Tickets.

1.  Question.  Click on the question to open and edit.

2.  New Question.  Click New Question button to create a new question.

Example of New or Edit Question

3.  Ticket Display.  Who do you want to answer this question?  The ticket purchaser (buyer) only or all of the individual ticket holders.  

NOTE:  When a ticket purchaser is buying tickets for a group of people, and they initially put all tickets in their own name, they will be unable to answer the questions for each individual ticket holder.  When the ticket is assigned, the ticket holder will have the opportunity to answer their question.

4.  Question Text.  What is your question?  Type the question in the box.  The shorter and more concise the better.  

5.  Is the answer required?  Check the box to require the registrant answer the question before submitting.  Leave unchecked if it is not required.

TIP:  If you ask a question that not everyone will have an answer for, don't assume they will put in N/A, none, etc.  It's best to leave it as "not required" and assume the answer is none or does not apply to them.  Otherwise, the ticket purchaser or ticket holder may become frustrated when they leave it blank and are unable to submit the ticket information or continue with the purchase.

6.  Question Type.  You can choose (1) of the following for the type of answer you'd like to have provided.

  • Text Box:  This is a single field.  Generally, reserved for a single word or short answer.
  • Text Area:  This is a larger box, like you see above as the Question Text box.  This is generally used for a longer answer that might consist of a sentence or two.
  • Yes/No:  The obvious answer is yes or no.
  • Radio:  You provide a list of possible answers and there will be a little circle where the user will click to choose the answer.  Only (1) possible answer.
  • Select:  You provide a list of possible answers and there will be a little checkbox where the user will click to select the answer.  Only (1) possible answer.

7.  Choices.  This field will only appear if you've chosen Select or Radio option of Question Type listed above.  Here, you will enter the possible answers to the question.

8.  Is Question active?  Check the box to make the question active and for it to appear in your ticket order page.  If the box is unchecked, the question will not appear.

9.  Create or Update.  If you are creating a new question, click Create Question to save your new question.  If you are editing an existing question, click Update to save your changes.