
Invoices are typically used when you need to charge a user for "something extra".  For example, if you need to charge them for shipping, you can create an invoice for the charges and add it to their checkout cart.

The invoice feature can be used for any charge that falls outside the normal fundraising components.


  • Click Financials in the left main menu.
  • Choose the Pending tab.
  • Click the New Invoice button.

From the Create Invoice Page:

  • Click Lookup User button to choose the user that this invoice will be charged to.  (See Lookup User for more detailed instructions.)
  • Enter the dollar amount of the invoice.
  • Add a description as to what the invoice is for.

  • OPTION:  Check "Send email to User" if you'd like to send the user an email letting them know that the charge is now in their Checkout Cart where they can submit the payment themselves and complete the purchase/transaction.
  • Click Create Invoice button to submit the invoice into the system.

Example of an invoice as seen in a user's checkout cart.