What are Sponsorships or Sponsor Spots?

Sponsorship spots will appear across the bottom of each page as it is viewed.  The do not "scroll".  Each time a user changes to another page on the site, they will see a different set of sponsors.

Example of sponsorship spot logos

Understanding Sponsorships in CausePilot

Every Organization has a different way of referring to Sponsors so it's important to know how CausePilot refers to Sponsors and Sponsorships.

You could have a Sponsor level ticket you're selling.  Maybe that ticket includes multiple seats, a table, putting their logo on a variety of things.  To CausePilot, that is just a TICKET.

IF the ticket includes a sponsorship spot (a logo) to be displayed in your CausePilot flight, then, it's still a TICKET but you'll ADD-ON a Sponsorship Level Spot.

IF you want to sell Sponsorship Spots, where companies and people can purchase the ability to display their logo, but it does not include tickets, you can do that too.  To CausePilot, that is just a SPONSORSHIP.

First choose how you want to sell sponsorships.

1).  Tickets = ticket + sponsorship

2).  Sponsorships  = sponsorship with NO tickets

3).  Both = people have a choice to sponsor with or without tickets

Here's how the Sponsorship side looks to your supporters.

OPTIONAL:  When selling sponsorships separately from tickets, you'll show a button on your flight's landing page so supporters can purchase a sponsorship spot.

When they click the button, the will be taken to a list of Sponsorship level opportunities that are available.  You'll create these based on price generally.

1.  Sponsorship Level.  The supporter will select which level they are interested in.  You could have just (1) level or as many as you like.

2.  URL.  They will enter the URL or web address where they'd like their sponsorship spot logo to link to when clicked.  When a visitor to the site clicks the logo/spot it will open a new window to display the sponsors website.

3.  Upload Image.  If the sponsor has an image they'd like to give you, they can upload it here.  It is optional and not required to purchase the sponsorship.  You can get the image and upload it later.

4.  Add to Cart.  Once they have chosen their Sponsorship level, they can add it to their checkout cart where they can submit payment and complete the purchase.  

You (the Admin or Manager) will see the new sponsorship in the Sponsorship table.  It will be INACTIVE until you activate it and add an image, if one was not included.

TICKET ADD-ON:  If the sponsorship is an add-on to a ticket, the supporter will purchase the ticket in the tickets area.  Once the ticket is paid for, a sponsorship will automatically be created in the Sponsorships table at no charge, because it's been paid for through the ticket.  From there, you would simply activate the sponsorship and add an image.  This happens behind the scenes.