Financial Reports

Typically, when you are looking for information to supply to your accounting department, you'll find what you need in the financials area.

Financial Reports provide information about transactions or payments that have been processed.  Each pre-designed report provides different information so review each to find the one that best fits your needs.

Each report provides data based on information obtained during your flights.  This data can be downloaded via a CSV format spreadsheet that can then be opened with Excel, Numbers, or any other spreadsheet software.  From there, you can manipulate the data using sort features, calculate totals, etc.

NOTE:  Any table within the software can also be downloaded in a CSV spreadsheet format.

Example of the Financial Reports page. (Financials > Reports tab)

View (html).  Click View to open the report in a webpage to view online.

Download (csv).  Click Download to download a CSV file to your computer.  

IMPORTANT:  Some browsers will work better than others when downloading reports.  Try Chrome or Firefox for best results.