Import Items

IMPORTANT:  The same process as described below for Auction Items also pertains to how Shop and Fund-a-Need components import items.

When you have your auction items in a spreadsheet, and you want to quickly add the data, you can do so using Import Auction Items.

Go to Components > Auction > Catalog tab.  Click Add Item button to open drop-down menu.  Select, Import Auction Items.

1.  Download Working File.  The first thing you must do is download the working file.  This is a CSV spreadsheet that you can open with Excel or Numbers.  It provides EXACTLY how the file MUST be formatted in order to import.  We recommend using this file to copy and paste your data from your original spreadsheet.

Example of spreadsheet.


  • Do not change the heading row labels.  
  • Before removing the example content, make sure you have a copy.  You must use exactly the same content i.e. Online, On-Site, Bid Sheet / Live, etc.  Copy and paste to make sure it is typed exactly the same.  The system will not accept variations.
  • You must fill out the form completely.  Every item must have a donor + donor email.
  • Leave pickup instructions blank to use the default pickup instructions.  Only include pickup instructions if they are custom for the item.
  • To save and import, you must save the file in CSV format.
  • You cannot import images.

2.  Send Donation Receipt.  You can choose to send the donation receipt to the donors as the items are imported or not.  If not, you can send them later from the Auction > Catalog tab.

3.  Choose File.  Click the choose file to locate your CSV file on your computer for importing.

4.  Upload File.  When you are ready, you can upload the items directly and populate your catalog.  If you have errors, the file will not import/upload.

5.  Upload and Review.  Click Upload and Review to first preview the items list to check for accuracy, look for errors, before importing/uploading.

Example of Upload and Review page.

If you have trouble importing your file, don't beat yourself up.  The file must be exactly correct to upload/import properly.  Send your CSV spreadsheet file, along with a link to your Import Auction Items page, to if you need assistance.