Cash Donations

In every flight, you always want to use the components that will help you make the most of every giving opportunity.  In some cases, that's asking for a cash donation.  How the Donate and Cash Donations component works is pretty straight forward.

Donations Setup

1.  Donations Button.  If you want to add a donate button on your landing page, check this box.  It will appear on the landing page.

Example Donate Button

Example Donate page when button is clicked.

2.  Donate at Checkout.  When this box is checked, an option to add a donation to your checkout cart will be visible and users can enter a donation to add before submitting payment.

Example of Donate at checkout.

3.  Donate Text.  If you'd like to add additional text to your cash donate page, you can include it in the field.  We don't recommend adding additional content unless absolutely necessary.  Any additional text only distracts from the task at hand, make a donation.

4.  Save Settings.  Always save your changes to submit them.

As donations come pouring in, you'll see them listed in the Donations table.