An auction is a great way to raise money for your cause. Local businesses are often happy to give products and services in exchange for the publicity they'll get and to show their support for your cause.
To the item donors, they get their product and brand seen.
To the supporter, they get an opportunity to have fun buying products at a discount.
Both supporting your cause.
Here's an example of what your auction will look like to supporters.
Example of Auction Panel on landing page.
The Auction panel will list various information depending on they type of auction you will host.
- Event Location. If you are hosting an in-person or virtual event, you can show the location.
- Bidder Number. If you are selling tickets, and the user has one, they'll see their bidder number.
- Start and End date of your in-person or onsite event.
- Online Auction Countdown. There's a countdown to the start and then a countdown to the end.
NOTE: Typically, auctions last 1-2 weeks.
Example of an auction catalog.
Example of an item detail page, where bidding takes place.