Upload Images

Uploading images is easy.  Depending on where you are in the software, the process could be slightly different but mostly it's the same.  If you can do it in one place, you can do it anywhere.

1.  Primary Image.  Once you have an image uploaded, you can choose if you want it to be the "Primary" or not.  In the case of an auction catalog, the Primary image would be what is seen in the catalog view.  Any other images would be viewable once you open the item's page.

2.  Upload Image.  Click Upload image button to locate the image(s) on your computer and upload.

PROBLEM:  Image will not upload

If the image does not load, it will likely be for one of the following reasons:

       Incorrect File Size.  The image file size is too large.  Images cannot be more than 2MB files.  Check your file size by searching for the file on your computer.  It will give you the file size.  See the file size circled above.  (For reference, KB is smaller than MB)

        Incorrect File Dimensions.  The image dimensions are not correct.  Certain components, like Sponsorships require a very specific file size.  You should strive to meet that requirement if you want your images to appear consistently throughout your flight's website.

PROBLEM:  Image is upside down or sideways

If the image appears sideways or upside down, it's because that's the way you took the picture and uploaded it.  On phones, images are automatically turned based on how you are holding your phone.  In CausePilot, we can not always do that.

Make sure to check your phones instructions, or search the internet for instructions, on how to hold your phone when taking pictures.  Hold it so the top and bottom are correct based on a vertical or horizontal image.

PROBLEM:  Image appears distorted

In certain areas throughout the site, you'll see there are very specific requirements for the image size.  This might be the banner or logo in your theme, or sponsorship spots, for example.  In a case where a very specific size is required, if you upload an image that is not that size, the system may resize it for you distorting it.  In order to correct this, upload an image in the correct dimensions required.