Before you begin accepting payments, you should make your choices in Financial Setup. This provides multiple options that directly affect your checkout process.
1. Recover Cost Option
Choose a percentage to charge participants and "Pass Forward" fees to help you recover your costs. Your costs would include your CausePilot software license and usage fees (Usage fees are only charged on Economy and Business pricing plans), Stripe credit card processing, and any other outside costs you may have associated with the campaign or event. This is a percentage of the total of their checkout cart. Choose between 0% and 10%.
2. Options to Pay Fees
Choose whether the participant will be required to pay the above fee or if they will have the option to decline payment of the fee.
TIP: When you are expecting a considerable number of straight donations, you might consider giving the participant the option to decline fees. With this choice, we find that a large number of participants will voluntarily pay the fee. If you are requiring that all participants pay the fee, you should notify them in advance that there will be an added fee.
When you provide the option to decline, the fee will be added to the participants checkout cart along with a notice that they have the option to decline the fee. They simply check a box to accept or decline. If they choose to decline, the fee will be removed from their checkout cart.
The fee charged to the participant will be added to the total amount received by the organization. These fees are intended to be used toward the costs incurred by your organization for the campaign or event.
3. Require a Credit Card
Check the box if you'd like to require all users participating in your Flight to have a credit card on file. They will be asked, as they create their CausePilot account to enter a credit card to participate. If they already have a CausePilot account, they will be permitted to login but will be required to add a credit card, specific for this flight, in order to participate.
We recommend using this feature to save time, insure participants complete their payment process, and speed up checkout.
How Checkout Works
Self Checkout. At the close of the flight, participants can check themselves out via their Checkout Cart. The credit card they entered will be available for a one click checkout.
Auto Checkout. Any time after the close of the flight, you can go to Financials > Pending and click "Charge All Credit Cards" and all transactions will be processed. This button will ONLY be available when the Require Credit Card feature is activated and there are credit cards on file.
TIP: We recommend giving participants a little time to Self-Checkout before utilizing Auto Checkout. If the Donations component is being utilized, participants will have the opportunity to add a donation before checking out. If they are given the option to decline the processing fee (Recover Cost Option), they will have the opportunity to accept or decline before checking out. When you Auto Checkout, you remove these options from the