The Shop is a way to create a catalog of items where users can simply purchase them.  Typically these are things like promotional items for your nonprofit like t-shirts, hats, mugs, stickers.  You can use the shop for anything that you simply want to sell in a store.

When utilizing the Shop component, when active, a Shop button will appear on the landing page of the flight.

This button will open a catalog of Fund A Need options that the use can choose from.  It could be (1) item or many.  There's no limit to the size of your catalog.

When "View Details" is clicked, more detail, images, and the ability to purchase the fund-a-need donation opportunities will be there.  The user simply chooses a quantity and the donations will be placed in their checkout cart to complete purchase.

We ask that the user submit payment within 15 minutes to complete the purchase.

NOTE:  When a credit card has been added to the user's account in order to participate in the flight/event, they simply click a single button titled "Pay with credit card ending in -XXXX" to complete the purchase.

Example of the details and order page.