Auction Catalog

The Auction Catalog table shows all items entered.  Manage items and see quickly their individual status and activity.

1.  Add Item.  Click Add Item button to open a drop down menu with the following choices.

        1a.  Add Auction Item.  To simply add a single item, choose Add Auction Item.  This will open the auction item form.  (See Auction Items for more detail.)

        1b.  Create Package.  To combine (2) or more items into a package, choose Create Package.  This will open the auction item form and will include a package section.  In the package section, you will choose the items that will be included.  (See Auction Items for detail.)

        1c.  Import Auction Items.  If you have your auction items in a spreadsheet format, you may choose Import Auction Items for instructions on how to upload or import them.  (See Import Auction Items for details.)

2.  Other Auction Features.  Click the button with "•••" on it, next to the Add Item button to open additional features.

        2a.  Send Receipts.  As you create new auction items, you'll have the option to send a donation receipt to the donor immediately or later.  If you want to send them later, you can choose Send Receipts and send all receipts when you're ready.  See #6 in the image above shows whether or not a donation receipt email has been sent.  The email icon means that it has been sent. The dash means it has not.

        2b.  Sort Items.  Once your items are entered, if you find you'd like them to be re-arranged.  Let's say you wish the very first items the visitors see where different, you can choose Sort Items or Rank Items and move them around.  (See Sort Auction Items for more detail.)

3.  Bulk Actions.  Bulk Actions are features that you can apply to multiple auction items at once.  Simply check the "-" at the top of the left column to choose ALL or select individual items by checking the box next to its name.  Then, click Bulk Actions to open the drop down menu where you can choose from the following.

        3a.  Clone Items.  Cloning an item means duplicating it.  You can duplicate it in the same Flight or to a different Flight.  This allows you to copy it to a new Flight without retyping everything and adding images.  Once cloned, you can edit the item.

        3b.  Change Sale Type.  Change the Sale Type when you have auction items that you want to make available for bidding via online/mobile but, when your event starts, you want to move them to bid sheet/live, so all bidding is manual. In order to do this, the items must be marked as in the Onsite auction venue.

        3c.  Create Bid Sheets.  Bid Sheets are used for manual bidding.  With Bid Sheets, you will enter the winners manually at the end of your auction.  You cannot have both mobile and bid sheets at the same time.  Check the items you'd like to download bid sheets for.  When you choose Create Bid Sheets, PDF files of the bid sheets will be downloaded to your computer.  You can then print them.  To see an example of a Bid Sheet, see Auction Bid Sheets.

        3d.  Display Sheets.  Display Sheets are great for mobile auctions.  They give your guests the details about the item, as well as the name, item number, and a QR code to quickly find it via their mobile phone.  Check the items you'd like to download a display set for.  When you choose Display Sheets from the Bulk Actions menu, PDF files of the display sheets will be downloaded to your computer.  You can then print them. 

4.  Filter by Category.  To view a list of auction items by category, choose the Category filter button and select the category. The table will then populate with those items.

5.  Filter by Sale Type.  To view a list of auction items by sale type, choose the Sale Type filter button and select the Sale Type.  Your choices will be Online/Mobile, Bid Sheet/Live, or Fixed Price.

6.  Donation Item Receipt.  This column shows if a donation receipt email has been sent or not.  The email icon means it has been sent.  

TIP:  Need to send the email again?  Open the user in Contacts, click their name to open, go to the Mail tab, find the email and resend.

7.  Edit Auction Item.  Click the name of an auction item to open the form to edit, add images, etc.