Sponsorship Levels

Sponsorship Levels are related to price differences and display rate (frequency).  

1.  Edit.  Click the edit icon (pencil) to open a Sponsorship Level for editing.

2.  New Sponsor Level.  Click the New Sponsor Level button to create a new level.

3.  Frequency.  See below #9 for more details.

After clicking the New Level button, the above page / form will open.

4.  Name.  Give your Sponsorship level a name.

5.  Description.  Add a brief description.  You might tell users the size of the Sponsorship spot, the frequency of views, or additional perks they will receive for purchasing this sponsorship level.

IMPORTANT:  A perk should not be tickets unless you are selling tickets outside of CausePilot.  If you are selling tickets in CausePilot and tickets are part of a sponsorship level, they should purchase it in tickets and not on sponsorships.  You will connect the ticket to a sponsorship level as an "add-on".  See Ticket instructions for more details.

6.  Active/Inactive.  Check the box to make the sponsorship level active and visible to visitors on your flight's website.

7.  Price.  The price for this sponsorship level.  How much do you expect the sponsor to pay for this sponsorship level?  

TIP:  Consider selling a sponsorship as part of a ticket (if tickets are included in your flight) and also separately when no tickets are needed.  Showing that sponsorships are also sold separately demonstrates the value of the sponsorship spot as a stand-alone purchase.  Example:  Someone could buy a sponsorship spot for $500 or they could buy a sponsor level ticket that costs $1,500 so they get the sponsorship spot and 8 tickets.

8.  Tax Deductible Amount.  Is any part of their sponsorship purchase tax deductible?  If so, include that amount here and it will be added to the payment receipt email the sponsor receives after their purchase.

9.  Sponsorship Tiers.  There are (4) spots available on each page.  They are square in size and the optimal image dimensions would be 600 x 600 pixels.  Any image uploaded will be resized to fit in this box.  YOU CAN NOT UPLOAD AN IMAGE BIGGER THAN 1MB.  The Base Display Rate is equal to 1 position.  The base display rate would be your lowest priced level as it will show up less often. The 2x Display Rate means that this level will show up twice as many times as the base display rate level.  And so it goes 4x as often as the base display rate and 8x as often.  Depending on the number of 

10. Quantity. Leave this blank if you are selling as many of this sponsorship level as possible.  If you have a limited quantity available, enter a number to limit the number of sponsors that can purchase this level.

11.  Create Ad Level.  To save and submit your new level or changes.

The above is an example of the page a user will see when purchasing a Sponsorship level.

12.  Example available.  A "Select" button will be visible when a Sponsor Level has available quantities for purchase.

13.  Example sold out.  When a Sponsorship Level has a limited quantity available and all have been purchased, it will show as "Sold Out".  If you do not want to show that level any longer, simply make it inactive.

14.  Upload Image.  The Sponsor can upload their own image.  This is not required; however, you will need to upload an image in order for the sponsorship to appear on your flight's web pages.

15.  Link to Website.  The Sponsor can input the URL to their website.  When a user clicks on the sponsor's logo or image, this web page will open in a new window.  This is not required.

IMPORTANT:  #14 and #15 above are features that provide a way for the sponsor to help you create their sponsorship spot; however, the sponsor's image will not appear immediately after purchase.  You, as the Admin or Manager of the flight, must first approve or make it active in the Sponsors area.