Ticket Levels
Ticket Levels are generally the different price points you want to offer. A user will purchase a single ticket or group at a time, so you'll want to offer multiple options. Like....
Single (1) admission. $50
Couple (2) admissions. $100
Table (8) admissions. $400
You can name each ticket level whatever you like.
1. Edit. Click the edit icon (pencil) to open a Ticket Level to edit and make changes.
2. Name. Each ticket level should have a name. It can be something as simple as Single, Couple....or Platinum Sponsor Table.
3. Price. Price is for the ticket level, not the individual tickets in the level. See example above.
4. Number Seats. How many seats are included in the level? If it's a couple, there would be (2). If it's a table, there might be 6, 8, or 10 for example. This might also be called "Admissions".
5. Sponsor Spot Included. If the ticket level includes a sponsor spot, it will be listed here. You can add-on a Sponsorship Spot, which you'll see below in the form to create a ticket level.
6. Item Included. If the ticket level includes a fixed priced item, it would be included here. You can add-on a fixed priced item, which you'll see below in the form to create a ticket level.
7. New Ticket Level. Click New Ticket Level to create a new level. A new page/form will open that allows you to enter the details of the new ticket level.
Example New Ticket Level creation page/form.
a. Name. Give your ticket level a name. It can be anything but we recommend something that your supporters will understand right away.
b. Description. Add a description of the ticket level. For example, what will the ticket holder get for their purchase? Dinner, Entertainment, Valet parking, etc.
c. Active/Inactive. Check the box if the ticket level is active and you want it to be visible to supporters when they visit your flight's website.
Set Ticket Level Quantity. Limit the number of tickets that can be sold at a particular level by checking the box and then entering the number of tickets available.
IMPORTANT: The quantity is not the number of that ticket level, it is the number of seats or individual tickets available. Example: If you are creating a table ticket level where each ticket sold provides 8 tickets and you have 10 tables available. The quantity would be 80 not 10.
d. Admissions. Number of admissions or seats included in this ticket level. For example, a couple would be (2). A table might be (8).
e. Admission Amount. The price for this ticket level. How much will the user pay to purchase this ticket level.
f. Tax Deductible Amount. Is any amount of the ticket level price tax deductible? If so, you can add the tax deductible amount here and it will be included in the checkout cart and also on the payment receipt email for the ticket purchase.
g. Custom Instructions. Any custom instructions you want included with the ticket purchase? This could be something like, pick up your tickets at X, we'll mail your tickets on X date, no printed ticket is required, etc.
h. Sort Order. The ticket levels will appear on the tickets page for purchase in order from highest price ticket to lowest price ticket. If you need them to be in a different order, you can number each ticket level to create a sort order.
i. Questions Do Not Apply. You can create questions for ticket purchasers or all ticket holders, as they buy tickets. This checkbox is included if, for some reason, the questions should not apply to this particular ticket level.
j. Sponsor Add-on. If this is a sponsor level ticket and will include a sponsorship spot, choose the Sponsorship Level so that the sponsor spot will be created automatically with the purchase of the ticket level.
k. Item Add-on. If this ticket level includes some item that you will give the purchaser, you can manage the inventory for the items by using the item add-on feature. This would be a fixed priced item included in your auction catalog.
l. Save. Always save your changes to submit them.