Shop Categories

All items must be associated with a category.  You can have just (1) category if you like, or many.  Before entering items, make sure you have at least (1) category created.

1.  New Category.  Click to create a new category.

NOTE:  You can also create a new category on the fly, as you enter an items.  Below is an example of the category choice field within the item form.  See Shop Item instructions for more information.

2.  Category Name.  Click on the category name to open and edit.

3.  Category Description.  The category description is for internal use only.  No one sees it except Admins and Managers.  It's useful when people are helping you build your Shop Items catalog and you want them to understand what types of items go in each category.

4.  Edit Category.  (See #2 above). When you click on the name of the Category, a new page will open that allows you to edit the category name and description.

5.  Items by Category.  At the bottom of the Edit Category page you will see a list of the items currently in that category.  Click on the item name to open it in the backend catalog for editing.