Component Reports

Each Component will have it's own set of pre-designed reports.  You'll find the reports available for that component by clicking the Component's name in the left menu > Reports tab.

Typically, when you are looking for detailed information on specific fundraising activities within a component, you will find what you need in the Component's reports.

Each report provides data based on information obtained during your flight.  This data can be downloaded via a CSV format spreadsheet that can then be opened with Excel, Numbers, or any other spreadsheet software.  From there, you can manipulate the data using sort features, calculate totals, etc.

NOTE:  Any table within the software can also be downloaded in a CSV spreadsheet format.

Example of a Component Reports page. (Component > Reports tab)

View (html).  Click View to open the report in a webpage to view online.

Download (csv).  Click Download to download a CSV file to your computer.  

IMPORTANT:  Some browsers will work better than others when downloading reports.  Try Chrome or Firefox for best results.