Requiring a credit card means that there is a credit card on file that CAN be charged. But, it doesn't get charged until you, or they (the user themselves), click a button asking it to be charged.
Ways the credit card is charged:
1. The user has pending orders, visits their checkout cart, and clicks "Charge credit card ending in xxxx".
2. You use the auto-charge feature in Financials > Pending and you click the button "Charge all credit cards". Then, all pending orders with credit cards will be charged.
3. In Financials > Pending you click "Create" next to an order to create the transaction. At the bottom of the transaction page you'll see the options to mark the order paid. You can choose:
• Cash - They are handing you cash money.
• Check - They are paying by check and you will have this check in your possession.
• Manual Stripe - You have their credit card and want to enter it for payment.
• Charge the credit card on file - You click Charge credit card ending in xxxx button.
For example: Let's say a credit card is required but a user decides they'd rather pay by check at the end of the event. That's fine. You simply go to Financials > Pending, click "Create" button next to the order to create the transaction. At the bottom of the page, mark that the order is being paid by check. It doesn't matter that a credit card is on file.