Ticket Seats (Assigned Seating)

For complete instructions also see:  Tickets Assigned Seating, Tickets Seating Charts

Ticket Seats is your seat inventory.  You will create a seat for each ticket holder so you can assign it to them.  Seat inventory is required to sell tickets under Assigned Seating.

TIP:  Easiest say to use this feature.  You can sell tickets first as General Admission and then later create your seat inventory and assign the seats.  

TIP:  A specific number of tickets/seats available for each ticket level.  When you want to have ticket levels with specific numbers of seats available, you can add seat inventory and, as you assign seats, when there are no more at available at that ticket level, it will show users to your Flight's website that they are SOLD OUT.  BUT....you must have seat inventory established before you can start selling the tickets or they will show as Sold Out.

In Components > Tickets > Setup tab, you'll change the Ticket Type from General Admission (no seat inventory) to Assigned Seating (seat inventory).

Then, you'll see that there are more tabs available at the top of the page.

Now, you can start by adding a Seating Chart(s) or creating Seats.  This Help page provides instructions for adding Seats.

1.  Seat.  Create a seat number that will help you and your guests easily recognize where they will be seated.

2.  Ticket Level.  Choose the ticket level that includes this seat number.

3.  Add Seat.  Clicking Add Seat will add another row so you can create another seat.  This let's you add several seats at one time.  Just keep clicking Add Seat to add another row until you are ready to save the seats.  It's a good practice to only do about 10 or less at a time.

4.  Save Seats.  Click Save Seats when you are done creating your seats and you will see them populate the table below called Seat Inventory.

5.  Upload Seats.  What is described above is a way to enter your seat inventory one at a time.  Another way to add your seat inventory is to create a spreadsheet and upload them all at once.  NOTE:  Either way the seats must be created/typed - in the spreadsheet or in CausePilot - but you can choose which way is easier for you.

        a.  Download Working CSV.  Download an example spreadsheet to create your seat inventory.  You must use our exact column headings so do not change this.

        b.  Download Existing Seats List.  If you already have some seat inventory created and you want to build upon that existing list, you can download the spreadsheet.

        c.  Choose File.  To upload your seat inventory spreadsheet, choose the file on your computer.  The file must be in CSV format.  If you've created it in Excel or Numbers, simply save it as a CSV file before uploading.

        d.  Upload Seats.  Click Upload Seats to add your seat inventory from the spreadsheet.

        e.  Delete Removed Seats.  PROCEED WITH CAUTION.  If this option is checked, any seat that is currently in your inventory, but not present in the uploaded file will be deleted.  

NOTE:  This is useful for deleting a large set of seats.