Sponsor Spots
Sponsor Spots are the images and their URL/web address links to the Sponsor's website. It's also where you'll see who or which contact and company is associated with the Sponsor Spot.
1. Edit. Click the edit (pencil) icon to open the Sponsor Spot for editing.
2. Image. You'll see a thumbnail of the image, if it has been added, or a placeholder image if it has not been added yet. Click the edit icon (#1. above) to add an image.
3. Sponsor. The name and company (company) if there is one associated with the sponsor. If you click on the name of the Sponsor you will open their Contact information in the Contacts area.
IMPORTANT: Every Sponsor Spot must be associated with a contact in CausePilot. A company is optional.
4. Views. CausePilot tracks the number of views each Sponsor Spot receives. This is great information to share with your Sponsors after the flight.
TIP: Use the number of views to encourage sponsors to sponsor again at another event.
5. Active/Inactive. Quickly see which Sponsor Spots are visible within your flight's website and which are not. A Sponsor Spot cannot be made active and visible until it is PAID and an IMAGE has been added.
6. Payment Status. You'll see whether or not the Sponsor Spot has been paid for, if it's pending, or if paid at $0.00, which generally means that it was purchased via a ticket add-on.
7. New Sponsor. When you need to create a Sponsor Spot manually, you can do so by clicking New Sponsor. This will open the Sponsor Spot page/form and you can fill it out on behalf of a sponsor.
Example of New Sponsor Spot creation page.
a. URL of Sponsorship. Enter the URL or web address of the Sponsor so that, when a visitor to your flight's website clicks the image, it will open a new window to the Sponsor's website.
TIP: The sponsor does not have a website? Enter your flight's landing page URL.
b. Sponsorship Level. Choose the Sponsorship Level this sponsor will be purchasing.
c. Lookup User. Click Lookup User button to locate the sponsor's user account (contact) or create a new sponsor/contact.
IMPORTANT: Every Sponsor Spot must be associated with a User. You don't have their email address? We would strongly encourage you to track down contact information, including an email address for every sponsor. However, in a case where there just isn't one, select or create a generic user account for your organization.
d. Company. Adding a company is optional. Select from the drop-down menu a company that has already been added to your software or click "New Company" to add a new one.
e. Send Sponsorship Email. Check this box if you are creating a Sponsorship and you want to make the sponsor aware that it has been created. An email will be sent notifying them that the Sponsor Spot has been created with a link asking them to submit payment.
f. Active/Inactive. Check this box if you want the Sponsor Spot to be active and visible to visitors of your flight's website. Note that, in order for a Sponsor Spot to be active, it must be paid for and include an image.
g. Save. Save any changes to submit them.
h. Image. Browse images on your computer to choose one and add it to the Sponsor Spot. Keep in mind that Sponsor Spots must be a specific sized image or the system will automatically resize it.