The above demonstrates the areas that you are editing in the Flight Builder Setup page.

Flight Info

1.  Name.  The name of your Flight will be used on your landing page and also in automated emails.

2.  Flight Web Address.  This is the URL or web address you will use and share with everyone who will visit your campaign or event.  

IMPORTANT:  Do not change this URL after you've started to build your flight.  Changing it will break the links to your images.

3.  Time Zone.  This is your Flight's default time zone.  The timing of the Flight will appear to a logged in visitor, based on their own time zone.  However, if they are not logged in, they will see the time zone you set as the default. 

Landing Page Content

4.  Homepage.  The text added to this box will appear on your Flight's landing page.  It should be short, sweet, and easy to read.  The purpose of this content is to share a little bit about your Organization and provide enough information that they want to learn more, care about your cause, and participate in your campaign or event.

5.  Extra Details.  If you leave this box empty, this feature will not be activated.  If you add content to the box a "Learn More" button will be added to your landing page below the homepage content.  This is an "extra" web page you can use when there is a lot of information you want to share with visitors.

TIP:  If you'd like to see more of the content you are typing in these boxes, simply grab the corner with your mouse and drag it to expand the box and viewing area.

Text to Bid or Donate

6.  Text to Bid or Donate.  Has moved to the Marketing section of your Flight.  

IMPORTANT:  Always Update the page after making any changes to save.