The person who initially sets up an Organization account will automatically become the accounts first Administrator.

An Administrator has full access to everything related to the Organization's CausePilot account, and to every Flight within that account. 

Administrator permission is generally used for only users who need high level access.

See Permissions for users who only need access to one specific flight.

How to Add an Administrator

  • From the Dashboard, navigate to Administrators

1.  Click Lookup User

2.  When necessary you can remove an Administrator

3.  Search for a Contact

4.  Select the Contact

5.  OR, if the Contact is not in the list, Create a New Contact

Fill out the form to create a new Contact.

6.  Be sure to "Send invitation to participate email" so that the new Contact can create their password.

7.  Create the New Contact

You will see the Contact in the Current Admins table.

EMAIL:  An email is generated to the Contact to advise them that they have been added as an Administrator and provide them with a link to access the account.