Fund a Need Purchases
In the Purchases tab you will find a table that lists all Fund-a-Need orders, paid and pending.
In the example below, we show (3) items that were created by the Administrator in the backend management, using the New Order button. See #3. below for more details.
1. Cancel. You can only cancel an order if it was placed by an Admin and has no expiration date/time. If a user orders the items themselves, there will be a 15 minute expiration time.
2. Payment Status. When an order is Pending, click Create button to mark it paid manually. From the transaction page you can mark it paid by cash, check, or charge a credit card.
3. New Order. To place a fund-a-need order for a user, click New Order button.
a. Item. Click the field to choose an item from the drop-down list.
b. Enter Bidder Number OR Lookup User. If you have the user's bidder number, simply enter it into the field or click Lookup User button to select and add the user's email address.
NEW OPTION: Enter multiple bidder numbers for the same Fund-a-Need item. Now, you can enter (1) bidder number and create the order OR multiple. When entering multiple, enter them as follows: 1,2,5,22,304
c. Quantity. Choose the quantity of items that the user is purchasing.
d. Delete. Delete a row. No empty rows may be saved. Delete all empty rows before saving or creating orders.
e. Add Order. Enter multiple orders at one time for different items or different users by clicking Add Order. This will add a new empty row. Delete any empty rows before saving.
f. Create Orders. Click Create Orders to save and submit your entries.